Wednesday 9 December 2009

Whirlwind Update

And once again it becomes clear that I'm really horrible at updating this blog, or even at remembering that it exists. Maybe I'll start writing shorter entries, more frequently. Would be more fun for both me and you that way.

Do I even attempt to update the story on my life since last March? A little can't hurt, I suppose.

The rest of the last academic year went extremely well, really. Got involved in a few really interesting and successful education projects (co-devised and performed a piece at the Queen Elizabeth II Hall for OAE and the Sinfonietta, sang a children's opera at King's Place, etc.), technique that Diane and Nick have been teaching me really started to sink in, and I even got a Distinction on my end-of-year singing exam at RAM.

Had a relatively relaxed summer. Spent as much time as possible on sunny days in Hampstead Heath, my new favourite place to spend a nice day in London. Even went swimming there. Found a house to move to, and moved to it. Had a brief visit to the States for Gram's birthday, and some time back in Ocean Grove.

Then the start of autumn again. Played viola on a couple of All Souls Orchestra tours, including with Keith and Kristyn Getty. Performed 'Mrs. Spencer Waits' for the OAE again. Technique really started sinking in, and my voice seems to have just about doubled in size. With absolutely no added effort to sing - less, really. Huzzah. Sang a scene from Barber's Vanessa, as Vanessa. Had an incredible master class with Dame Kiri te Kanawa, and coached both of the 'Contessa' arias from Mozart's Figaro with her.

Got ridiculously busy. Sent out a ton of applications for programmes for next year. Had 3 auditions in the UK, and will hopefully have 5 more in the States, and at least one on the Continent. Sang two performances of Handel's Messiah as the soprano soloist at Blenheim Palace, including one for the Duke of Marlborough himself.

Had loads of random visitors come through London, both family and friends. And family friends. Reconnected with people from home, Princeton, and Oxford. Strengthened bonds with Marshalls and RAM students, even as some ties change. Made new wonderful friendships. And a new wonderful 'framily' in my 4 housemates, as well as the ones who have switched out since I moved here. Feeling more settled in the city and in church here. Putting down more roots. All at the same time that I wonder if I'll still be here less than a year from now, depending on how applications and auditions pan out. The excitement and the stress of such an international profession. Will I ever have a real 'home' in the world again? Hope so. But probably won't be all that soon. Difficult realization, really.

Far from ending on such a fraught note, however, I have to state that I've been really happy in the past months. I feel more centred, more settled, and more confident that I'm doing what I'm meant to be doing, and that I'm even starting to do it well. Always more to learn and more progress to be made, but things are looking up, I think. Not bad for a girl who wasn't singing even close to full time two years ago.

Here's hoping it'll be less than 8 1/2 months until the next time I write here...